Day in the Life Session with Salix

Day in the Life Session with Salix

I came across some beautiful documentary style family portraits and I loved how the portraits gave a good glimpse of a families life. I thought how much we change in a given year and so do our habits and relationships. How cool would it be to get portraits of every version of you and family as you transform with time. 

Which leads me to my new service; Day in the Life Sessions. Day in the Life Sessions will be documentary sessions of a set hours (between 3 and 6 hours in length) that allows me to capture a moment in time with your family or loved ones. You can choose the daily activities we photograph. The options for this is pretty endless if you are creative. It could be a morning day with your new born and a walk in a park or go to a summer fair with your family. 

I had my first Day in the Life session over the Father’s Day weekend with my brother Luke and his wife Brittany and their 2 year old son, Salix. They are a really down to earth family and very fun to photograph. I hadn’t seen them for a good 6 months so it was crazy to see how big Salix had gotten. For their session I simply followed around my nephew, Salix, for two hours. It was actually fun being his personal paparazzi. Here’s the photos we got. Warning! There are a lot! 




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