Grease Inspired Body Positive Fashion Shoot

Grease Inspired Body Positive Fashion Shoot

This shoot was in the making for about a year. I believe every photographer has creative projects in the back of their mind that they would be willing to wait a year to bring it to life. These shoots concepts are daydreams that float in and out of your consciousness throughout the days, weeks and months, pretty much until you click the button at the shoot. So to say it simply, I was very excited to do this shoot. Katie, our model for this session, and I chatted a year ago about doing a body positive session I was doing at that time. But there was something about Katie that made me want to do something more elaborate than I was planning. Her glowing blonde hair, bright blue eyes and her authentic smile made me know she would be be amazing for a glamorous shoot. My vision was to put big curls in her hair (I love big hair), red lipstick and black clothing. It wasn’t until a day before our shoot that I realized I totally “borrowed” the look from Sandy from Grease. It’s amazing when these things happen and you don’t realize how influenced by social culture we really are.

I had the super talented makeup artist, Hanan, create Katie’s look. Hanan is also very funny behind the scenes. She always makes me laugh. We also had Cassandra doing Katie’s hair to perfection while dancing and singing. I also had my co-op student, Kelsie, with me taking portraits. The best way to learn is to do. We always have a lot of fun behind the scenes.

Katie is a photographer who used to do weddings, but now mainly photographs the things that matter most to her, her children and family. It is always fun to photograph another photographer. I do it all the time with my friends. You would be amazed how few photos most photographers have of themselves. I guess I am a bit different, because I love taking self portraits.

I would totally watch Grease again if Katie starred as Sandy! She did such an amazing job! She definitely had her persona while posing and conveyed her emotions. I’m so super pumped about these shots!

To see more of my team’s work, click the links below:

Katie – model/body positive stylist –

Hanan – makeup artist –

Cassandra – hairstylist –

Kelsie – photography student –

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