Business and Branding Portrait with Andre

Business and Branding Portrait with Andre

Andre and I go way back, all the way back to University days (2005). Time really flies! You may recognize Andre. He is the man behind Runway of Hope and has done so much to give Ottawa more of a fashion industry. He is also a very nice and funny guy. Andre reached out to me to some lifestyle portraits but because we are in the middle of winter (or was when these portraits were taken) we decided it may be easier to do a studio shoot instead. There may be a second part of this shoot come spring.

Instead of lifestyle we did a mix of business and business causal portraits. Andre brought a bunch of good clothing options and we may a morning out of it.

Here’s our business portraits:

Comfy at home photos

More studio portraits with personality.

To see more of Andre’s work, click the link below:

AndreFounder of Runway of Hope

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