Body Positive Session with Sylvie

Body Positive Session with Sylvie

Sylvie was a great addition to my body positive themed shoots. She is a mother, a woman, semi-retired, and a whole lot of fun to photograph. Sylvie’s session kind of transformed into a more classic portrait session because I loved her look so much. For this reason, I asked Fatima, my amazing stylist, to come and create a natural look for Sylvie. Fatima applied Laash lashes to complete Sylvie’s look.

Isn’t Sylvie stunning? She has the most beautiful smile. I really love the subtle but elegant makeup Fatima applied. The lashes are also super natural which I adore.

Sylvie is an athlete herself and I see all her outdoor sailing adventures on her Instagram. She is in great shape with awesome tattoos.

And now for some colour pop!

If you are inspired by Sylvie’s session and would like your own portrait session, feel free to give me a call or shoot me an email. I would be honoured to be your photographer.

Fatima makeup/hair stylist

Laash lashesStrip Lashes


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