Janga & Ozzy’s BFF photoshoot

Janga & Ozzy’s BFF photoshoot

I feel like I have died and came back from heaven. Puppy photoshoots are super cute but having a best friend photoshoot for dogs is beyond adorable. Ozzy, my cocker spaniel mix pup, and his neighbour BFF Janga were so much fun to photograph. I think I should do this annually. I know they would love it.

Ozzy had an instant connection with Janga. Dogs can be funny and randomly not like a dog what reasons human’s don’t understand. This wasn’t the case with Janga. The feeling was mutual and Janga became Ozzy’s best bud. They bonded over their many neighbourhood meetups at the communal mailbox which Janga lives beside. Later Ozzy went on walks with Janga, hung out at Janga’s house (although he wasn’t sure about the hardwood flooring) and did a summer photoshoot with him. I thought they were too cute not to share.

Last summer, we lived right by the experimental farm so we decided that was a fun and close play to take the dogs. They had a great time; they played, got treats and went on an adventure. They also did solo portraits and Ozzy lent his buddy his bandanas. Look how cute Janga is!!!

And then it was time for Ozzy to shine like the little star he is. Ozzy started modelling asa pup so he loves having photoshoots. He is quite an expensive model though because he demands treats after eat shot taken. Maybe that has contributed to his weight gain.


I hope my pup photos has brightened your day.

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